Russian language ambassadors arrive on educational expedition to Belarus
The International Programme "Russian language ambassadors in the world" is taking place in Minsk from 14 to 21 December. This is a series of educational events for schoolchildren and students aimed at popularising the Russian language and culture. Information support is provided by Eurasia Today, a partner of TV BRICS.
At the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in the capital of Belarus, volunteers hold meetings and interactive lectures to help locals and foreign students immerse themselves in the world of the Russian language.
In addition, an intellectual quiz is planned at the Belarusian-Russian University in Mogilev, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of poet Aleksander Pushkin. Participants will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of Russian literature and history.
"Each expedition of the Russian Language Ambassadors is a small universe where you get energised and inspired by the classes and intercultural communication," said Valeria Artemyeva, a volunteer of the programme.
The programme has long gone beyond the CIS and covers more than 20 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Cuba, Ecuador, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Peru, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and others.
The volunteer project "Russian language ambassadors in the world" was initiated by the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For 9 years more than 55 thousand schoolchildren and students from different parts of the world have taken part in the programme. This year it was awarded prestigious prizes in the field of language popularisation and volunteer activities.
Photo: Pushkin State Russian Language Institute